The Presbytery of Yukon serves 20 churches from Anchorage to Utquigvik. We have churches in busy urban settings, as well as churches in small villages off the road system. The Presbytery of Yukon seeks to support each of these churches in their unique needs and specific missions.
We currently have a few ways that you can give to our Presbytery to support our churches.
- 1) Online Giving. We have two online giving accounts managed through the Presbyterian Foundation. DONATE NOW
- a. The general fund for the Presbytery of Yukon. These funds are used to support the overall mission of the Presbytery.
- b. Gambell Church and Community Center. These funds are used to support ongoing maintenance of this wonderful asset to the community of Gambell.
- 2) The Permanent Endowment Mission Fund - DONATE NOW
50/50 Club
Your pledge and payment of 10% of each of our Alaska Permanent Fund Dividends is divided into two parts. The first half goes into Yukon Presbytery's Endowment to support the mission of the Presbytery which includes new church development, support of Mission Churches, Kairos Prison Ministry, campus ministries, Bingle Camp, events for education and youth and much more. The second half goes to your church for support of your mission work.
To make your pledge, please download and complete
the 50/50 Club Pledge Form. Make your check payable to your church or Presbytery of Yukon and designate in the memo section of your check "50-50 Club". If you write your check to Presbytery of Yukon, you can, if you wish, also designate your local church in the memo section and they will receive one half of the donation.
Thank you for your support.
How can I give a donation or charitable contribution to Presbytery of Yukon?
» Online: The Presbytery of Yukon has partnered with the Presbyterian Mission Exchange to provide the convenience of online donations. To donate online now through the Mission Exchange, please click the button below:
» By Mail: You may write a check to
Presbytery of Yukon, 616 W. 10th Ave, Anchorage, AK 99501.
» By Phone: You may make a charitable trust remainder or other arrangement to the Presbytery of Yukon by calling the
Presbyterian Church Foundation: Rev. Rob Hagan, Ministry Relations Officer, Presbyterian Foundation, 1-888-211-7030 or emailing him at
» You may make gifts through the Presbytery of Yukon 50/50 Club. When you give a tithe (10%) of your Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend to the 50/50 club, 50% goes to the
Mission Endowment of the Presbytery (Account #1021100609) and 50% goes to the missions of your local church. The endowment helps support the missions of the Presbytery including New Church Development, Commissioned Lay Pastor training, support of Mission Churches, outreach into Russia, Bingle Camp and more. Consider meeting the challenge of making a gift of one full Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend.
» You may make a contribution through your
local Presbyterian Church.
» Prayers go straight to God. May He bless you abundantly.