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Synod/GA Commissioners
Synod: (terms expire at end of calendar year)

One teaching and one ruling elder commissioner shall be elected to two-year alternating terms at the Fall Stated Presbytery Meeting. For teaching elders, terms expire at the end of even numbered calendar years; ruling elders terms expire at the end of odd numbered calendar years. In accordance with Synod bylaws, commissioners must be active members of their executive bodies, i.e., Leadership Team, either as a voting member or in an unofficial capacity. Synod commissioners shall report at the stated meeting of Presbytery, following the Synod meeting he/she attended. A commissioner that fails to attend two consecutive stated meetings of the Synod shall be considered to have resigned his/her position.

Ruling Elder Jan Burger - Principal (2026)
Ruling Elder Bob Christensen - Alternate (2026)

General Assembly (terms expire before convening of the next General Assembly)

One teaching elder commissioner, one ruling elder commissioner and one Young Adult Advisory Delegate (YAAD) shall be elected at the Fall Stated Meeting of Presbytery, in accordance with provisions detailed in the Standing Rules. Terms expire prior to the beginning of the succeeding assembly they attended. An alternate teaching elder, ruling elder commissioners and a YAAD should be elected. General Assembly commissioners and YAAD's shall report at the Fall Stated Presbytery Meeting.

Clergy commissioner:
Rev. Kiyoung Seo - Principal (2024)
VACANT - Alternate (2024)

Ruling Elder commissioner:
Ruling Elder Barb Brown - Principal (2024)
VACANT - Alternate (2024)

Young Adult Advisory Delegate (YAAD):
Frederick Bierer - Principal (2024)
VACANT - Alternate (2024)